Harmonia medicine
The Greek Goddess of Harmony.
A Masala Chai to Harmonise the cycle and support hormone balance.
With Ayurvedic Herb Shatavari, Cardamon, Cinnamon, Ginger, Madagascan Vanilla and Creamy Coconut.
Coconut Milk
A healthy fat which aids in weight loss & reduces fat storage. It contains high amounts of dietary fibre, supporting the bowels and lowers cholesterol supporting the heart.
Coconut controls blood sugar levels, making it supportive in clearing acne from the skin.
Coconut is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic in nature, and stimulates the immune system, creating resilience.
Pronounced SHAT-AR-VARI. Shatavari is on my top list of favourite herbs. A wonderfully nourishing herb, a hormone balancer and a female tonic. She supports many areas of the female anatomy…
Menstruation~ She promotes menstrual flow, and balances female hormones, thus reducing painful and heavy periods and relieving PMS.
Fertility ~ She increases fertility, increases libido and for males she supports low sperm count & impotence, supporting erectile function.
Pregnancy ~ She relieves nausea during pregnancy and prevents miscarriage.
Labour ~ She prepares the body for childbirth and supports if there is uterine prolapse.
Motherhood ~ She increases milk supply during lactation and encourages poor milk supply.
Menopause ~ She relieves menopausal symptoms, especially vaginal dryness,
Shatavari supports undernourishment & is indicated in emaciation, very supportive in Bulimia. She hydrates after diarrhoea, soothes colitis, peptic ulcers and soothes reflux as it is an antacid (mucilage calms any irritation). She is supportive in Crohn's disease, IBS and is antimicrobial in nature, ridding or preventing bacterial infections or overgrowths in the gut.
Therefore correcting dysbiosis and encouraging a healthy gut microflora. We all know how important this is these days.
Shatavari has an affinity with the mind & is used to promote clarity and revitalise memory. She is a Brain tonic, and very supportive in Insomnia, Anxiety and Stress. She may also be an aid for ADHD and hyperactivity.
With her adaptogenic properties, Shatavari increases resilience to stress & enhances immunity, growth and development, especially supportive in babies and children.
Shatavari is native to the Indian subcontinent and can be found growing in diverse environments, thriving in arid conditions. From the humid tropical jungles to the foothills of the Himalayas. This is an example of a true Adaptogen. Adapting to its environment, which is what we see in its medicine, offering us resilience and helping us to adapt to our environment.
This is also a signature of the plant, the ability to survive in dry climates, evolving to be a very wet and moisturising plant, thus wonderful for dry people and dry conditions.
Shatavari stimulates white blood cells to fight infections & is antimicrobial in nature… She has been shown to rid fungal infections (Candida), Bacterial infections (E.coli, Pseudomonas, Shigella, Salmonella), and viral infections such as Herpes.
It protects blood-producing cells in the bone marrow, aiding recovery after exposure to toxic chemicals.
Shatavari is a cardiac tonic, known in Ayurveda as Hradya, circulating nutrients around the body, nourishing the blood.
Cardamoms botanical name is Elettaria, how beautiful is that?
It is commonly known for its digestive properties, traditionally being added to coffee. As a Digestive healer, it enkindles Agni, raising the digestive fire, which enables us to extract more nutrition from our food. Often we eat more because we are unsatisfied and unsatiated with nutrients, so the body keeps reaching out for more. Once we balance our Agni, we gain more nutrition and can be satisifed with less food.
Cardamom clears indigestion and expels painful trapped wind, it does this by its ability to redirect the flow of energy down and out. This also makes it a wonderful remedy for PITTA-type headaches and eye tension, where the heat has risen and needs to be redirected down. We can thank the gorgeous volatile oils for that (the scent of cardamom).
It also clears Urinary Tract Infections and strengthens a weak bladder.
As a Nervine, it soothes anxiety, lifts spirits and lowers tension, an excellent remedy for VATA.
Finally, Cardamom can relieve nausea, especially morning sickness, pairing well with Shatavari.
Cinnamon bark
Cinnamon is a supportive plant for the microbiome, it corrects dysbiosis, a probiotic & clears infection from the gut and bowels. One of the best herbs for
clearing Candida from the body.
It clears trapped wind and a remedy for diarrhoea.
Rich in Magnesium, cinnamon supports hormone balance and bone health, making it supportive for the female reproductive system, particularly the journey through menopause.
Cinnamon is an Aphrodisiac encouraging the awakening of desire… increasing libido. A cleansing herb which increases fertility, reduces fibroids, and ovarian cysts.
Its anti-inflammatory and immune regulating nature makes it supportive in Endometriosis.
Cinnamon regulates the menstrual cycle, reducing heavy and painful periods and relieves PMS, especially spam, due to its antispasmodic properties.
It rids sugar cravings & balances blood sugar, by enhancing insulin, making it a great herb for Acne and weight loss.
A warming tonic that increases circulation, moving blood all around the body feeding and nourishing all the tissues. Because of this it also supports SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and increases energy with winter lethargy, a herb for raising the spirits.
Ginger root
Ginger root is an ancient digestive healer, and has been used throughout history by our ancestors to remedy all digestive upset.
It calms nausea, clears constipation & griping diarrhoea, removes wind & bloating, increases absorption of vital nutrients, and enhances immunity (a lot of our immune system is in our gut).
Because it increases circulation, it warms our extremities and promotes hair growth on the head.
Believe it or not, Ginger is an Aphrodisiac, increasing libido,
Scanty periods, period clots, and as an analgesic, reduces painful periods.
One of the best herbs for relieving morning sickness. A strong ginger tea infused over several hours is best. Ginger is rich in vitamins A, B, C & folic acid making it a wonderful pregnancy herb. The blend Helios is not suitable for pregnancy due to the nature of some of the herbs in the formula.
Vanilla, by no surprise, is an Aphrodisiac, increasing libido and awakening desire. Just the scent alone is medicine. Have you smelt a vanilla pod or fresh vanilla powder? It’s intoxicating, in a good way.
It is not commonly thought of as medicine, we mostly use the extract for its taste in baking. However, it is truly potent medicine.
Vanilla is a gut healer, it can treat gut inflammation and prevent diarrhoea, stomach spasms and vomiting. Traditionally, inhaling the flower was popular for soothing nausea.
It is rich in the minerals magnesium and potassium which are highly supportive for the nervous system, uplifting a low mood and calming anxiety.
Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells in the body. It regulates the heartbeat, and ensures proper function of the muscles and nerves, and is vital for synthesising protein and metabolising carbohydrates from our food.
Magnesium is involved in over three hundred biochemical reactions in your body. It is well researched and we know it helps with PMS symptoms, especially cramps and aching sore muscles in general. Epsom salt (magnesium salts) baths have become quite popular today. Magnesium looks after our nerve function, regulates blood pressure, and supports the immune system.