Helios Medicine
The Greek God of the Sun.
A Turmeric spice blend for gut restoration and clear skin.
Blended with Coconut milk, Golden Turmeric, Marigold petals, and Ayurvedic formula Triphala, Liquorice, Ginger & Cinnamon.
Coconut Milk
A healthy fat which aids in weight loss & reduces fat storage. It contains high amounts of dietary fibre, supporting the bowels and lowers cholesterol supporting the heart.
Coconut controls blood sugar levels, making it supportive in clearing acne from the skin.
Coconut is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic in nature, and stimulates the immune system, creating resilience.
Turmeric root
Curcuma longa, otherwise known as Turmeric, is an incredibly restorative herb, especially for the gut. It corrects dysbiosis, supporting the microbiome by encouraging beneficial gut bacteria to thrive (probiotic) and clears toxins and overgrowths from the gut. It enkindles ‘Agni’, our digestive fire, which stimulates appetite, and aids in the absorption of nutrients from our food. Due to its support in healing the gut and aiding in the absorption of nutrients, Turmeric can be beneficial at increasing iron levels, therefore treating Anaemia and other mineral deficiencies.
It purifies all systems of the body, nourishes the blood, and removes inflammation and pain. As an Analgesic (painkiller) it can be especially useful in treating conditions like Endometriosis, reducing pain and inflammation
Turmeric reduces excess growths and tissue of the body, due to its Kapha reducing qualities, such as fibroids, cysts, polyps, cystic acne and aids in weight loss.
Its anti-inflammatory nature and ability to detoxify the liver makes it a brilliant herb for inflamed skin conditions like Acne, Psoriasis and Eczema.
When we add Turmeric with herbs like Black pepper or Liquorice, they increase the bioavailability of the active medicine, Curcumin. Looking to the traditional ways of taking the medicine, therefore, is of extreme importance. Adding Turmeric to Milks (Turmeric latte), Curries, and combining it with other Spices makes it much more medicinal rather than taking it in capsules for example.
In India, Turmeric has been traditionally added to curries making it a delicious way of taking medicine and treating the digestive system. It was also traditionally used to treat joints pain, today’s research confirms its support in rheumatoid arthritis and speeding up the recovery of broken bones
Protects against environmental toxins and free radical damage, improving skin complexion
Liquorice root
Liquorice is one of those herbs that has an endless list of medicinal properties.
It is an adaptogen & a brain tonic that builds resilience to stress, increasing vitality & energy naturally. A healer of wounds, including peptic ulcers of the gut and damage to the gut lining such as leaky gut and gastritis.
Liquorice is a wonderfully restorative gut herb, it removes toxins from the gut & gently cleanses the bowels, relieving constipation. Its antacid properties calms indigestion, heartburn and hiccups and helps the feeling of nausea subside. A remedy post vomiting or after food poisoning.
Liquorice is not commonly known as a reproductive tonic, however, it is a very supportive herb for PCOS, as it reduces excess Testosterone levels and improves fertility. The reduction in Testosterone also makes it a wonderful herb for combating hormonal Acne, and it actually part of an ancient Chinese medicinal formula for Acne.
Its anti-inflammatory and cleansing nature makes it a brilliant herb to clear itchy and red skin conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis.
Cinnamon bark
Cinnamon is a supportive plant for the microbiome, it corrects dysbiosis, a probiotic & clears infection from the gut and bowels. One of the best herbs for
clearing Candida from the body.
It clears trapped wind and a remedy for diarrhoea.
Rich in Magnesium, cinnamon supports hormone balance and bone health, making it supportive for the female reproductive system, particularly the journey through menopause.
Cinnamon is an Aphrodisiac encouraging the awakening of desire… increasing libido. A cleansing herb which increases fertility, reduces fibroids, and ovarian cysts.
Its anti-inflammatory and immune regulating nature makes it supportive in Endometriosis.
Cinnamon regulates the menstrual cycle, reducing heavy and painful periods and relieves PMS, especially spam, due to its antispasmodic properties.
It rids sugar cravings & balances blood sugar, by enhancing insulin, making it a great herb for Acne and weight loss.
A warming tonic that increases circulation, moving blood all around the body feeding and nourishing all the tissues. Because of this it also supports SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and increases energy with winter lethargy, a herb for raising the spirits.
Ginger root
Ginger root is an ancient digestive healer, and has been used throughout history by our ancestors to remedy all digestive upset.
It calms nausea, clears constipation & griping diarrhoea, removes wind & bloating, increases absorption of vital nutrients, and enhances immunity (a lot of our immune system is in our gut).
Because it increases circulation, it warms our extremities and promotes hair growth on the head.
Believe it or not, Ginger is an Aphrodisiac, increasing libido, I believe this may be due to its circulatory stimulating properties, moving blood to the area.
Ginger is a brilliant aid for the menstrual cycle, it regulates scanty periods, reduces period clots, and as an analgesic, reduces painful periods.
One of the best herbs for relieving morning sickness. A strong ginger tea infused over several hours is best. Ginger is rich in vitamins A, B, C & folic acid making it a wonderful pregnancy herb. The blend Helios is not suitable for pregnancy due to the nature of some of the herbs in the formula.
An Ayurvedic formula made of three herbs, Amlaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. An ancient tridoshic formula created in India, which has been revered for thousands of years. The medicine is borrowed to rejuvenate the digestive system. Triphala enkindles Agni, our digestive fire & clears toxins ‘Ama’ from the gut. Full of vitamins, minerals & antioxidants to replenish the body. As all disease starts in the gut, working on this system, clearing out any toxins the body doesn’t want and raising our digestive fire, our first line of defence against the outside world… we can prevent many diseases.
The digestive fire is a concept that encapsulates the strength and volume of stomach acid, digestive enzymes and bile in the gastrointestinal tract (the gut). The human microbiome is composed of trillions of communities of bacteria gut-friendly bacteria that protect us against harmful pathogens, break down our food to release energy, and produce vitamins.
We can imagine the gut-friendly bacteria as the embers of a fire, microscopic life living within us, dancing in the flames.
Calendula, otherwise known as Marigold and in this case, we are using English Marigolds. This herb I hold very close to my heart as it has repaired my body in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I have so much gratitude for this plant, which is why I chose it as my surname.
Marigolds, in my opinion, are the best repairer of leaky gut. A leaky gut manifests from low stomach acid/low Agni, inflammation and an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria. Endotoxins released from these unfriendly bacteria cause inflammation and the separation of the tight gut junctions in the gut wall, making it ‘leaky’, therefore undigested food leaks through, causing an immune reaction and food the body does not recognise. This becomes toxic and causes a whole host of symptoms.
Calendula clears toxins from the gut ‘Ama’ and raises the digestive fire, thus increasing the absorption of nutrients. It reduces inflammation, breaks down accumulations & is prebiotic, feeding the friendly gut bacteria.
Looking at the skin…Its anti-inflammatory and gut-healing nature means it supports the reduction of Eczema. Its lymphatic nature and gut-healing nature mean it is a supportive herb for Acne.
Marigold petals are wonderful are supporting the female reproductive system… regulating periods, reducing excess menstrual bleeding, clearing painful periods, clearing fibroids, pelvic infections, and ovarian cysts.
Its a very supportive herb for childbirth, and after childbirth, due to its ability to improve blood flow to areas of trauma or damage and heal wounds quickly.
Calendula's oestrogenic nature makes it a useful herb to add to your life to support the journey through menopause.