What the colour of our period blood means…

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Our Periods can tell us a lot about what is going on in our bodies & are a key indicator of women’s/AFAB health (assigned female at birth).

Everything from their lightness or heaviness, regularity or irregularity, pain or no pain, can give us insight around a variety of health conditions & how the body in functioning.

Photo by: @prideaux


‘Period blood as a vital sign’.

VITAL SIGNS measure how the body is functioning...

1.Body temperature

2.Pulse rate

3.Breathing Rate

4.Blood pressure

5.Period blood


Irregularity in period length & colour in the first year or so of beginning your period as a teen (Menarche) is normal.

It takes some time for the reproductive axis to mature & for the brain & ovaries to learn how to sync with each other.



So what does the colour of our period blood mean?

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Healthy Fresh New Blood with a Steady flow.

This is the blood colour you want to see.

A similar colour to what you would see if you were bleeding from any other part of your body.

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This colour blood often has a watery consistency, it can indicate period blood mixed with cervical fluid, especially if you have sex during your period.

If you experience this colour blood with fatigue, bloating, heaviness or cramping in the legs around your period, it can indicate low oestrogen levels & deficiency.

Such as rapid weight loss, a lack of minerals from a poor nutrient intake, especially magnesium, too much caffeine that blocks nutrient absorption & anaemia - a lack of blood & iron.

In Chinese medicine it indicates spleen qi deficiency, meaning the spleen isn't making enough blood, the spleen works with the digestive system & is responsible for processing the food we eat to produce qi, energy.

I would recommend:

Introducing blood building, nourishing, mineral rich herbs to your routine.

~ Nettle

~ Horsetail

~ Angelica sinensis root (Dong quai)

~ Oat straw

~ Chickweed

~ Seaweeds

~ Raspberry leaf

~ Vaccinium (Bilberries)

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This colour blood at the  beginning or end of your period is fairly normal.

Red blood turns brown when in contact with oxygen, so it just means it's older or has taken longer to leave your uterus.

Your flow begins slow , speeds up & starts to slow again as it ends. Having thick dark blood with clots throughout your period indicates stagnation, blood stasis & possibly an excess of oestrogen.

Symptoms may include painful cramps, headaches, nausea, fatigue & tender breasts.

Here we need to get the blood moving, rebalance hormones, reduce stress & support the liver.

The liver has the job of the proper recycling of hormones & removing waste products & excess.

In Chinese medicine The liver is responsible for regulating the flow of qi and blood throughout the body. The Liver is highly affected by stress, poor diet, alcohol & exposure to too many chemicals.

I would recommend:

Looking at the previous post WHY YOUR PERIODS ARE NOT MEANT TO BE PAINFUL, and follow the 3 steps I explain, removing exogenous external hormone interferance from your environment, address diet, get the blood moving and to balance your hormones.

Herbs that may be an aid…

~ Angelica sinensis root (Dong quai) ~ Hormone balancing, blood building (useful in heavy periods with a lot of blood loss), rich in iron, blood tonic, reduces spasm/cramps, uterine tonic.

~ Vitex agnus castus berry (Chaste tree) - Hormone balacing, uterine tonic, prolactin inhibitor meaning useful in sore breasts, progesteronic (balances excess oestrogen).

~ White Peony root ~ Oestrogen modulating, reduces pain & spasm/cramps, supports the liver, a cooling rememdy for heat & congestion in menstruation.

~ Calendula petals ~ Improves blood flow to area of need, supports the liver when sluggish thus aids in proper recycling of hormones, reduces spasm/cramps, a lymphatic therefore useful in moving congestion, especially relieves pelvic congestion.

~ Shatavari root ~ Relives spasm, hormone balancing, reproductive tonic, uterine tonic, cleansing as a alterative, adaptogenic supporting the stress response (regulating a stable balance in the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands ~ HPA axis).

~ Alchemilla leaf ~ Regulates menstruation & pelvic musculature, reduces heavy bleeding and congestion, tightens and tones the pelvic area, a nervine reducing anxiety and relaxes the nervous system.

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Grey cervical fluid/period could be a sign of an infection such as bacterial vaginosis.

If you experience heavy bleeding with pieces of grayish tissue, this could be a sign of a miscarriage.

It is recommended to see a healthcare professional to gain some extra support & clarification on what is going on for you.


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Black Blood could signal the end of a period, but also a red flag.

It could indicate a vaginal blockage If associated with symptoms like itching, fever or vaginal swelling.

I would recommend seeing a healthcare professional if you are experiencing this to stay safe & put your mind at ease.


“Regular cycles with the absence of excessive heavy bleeding & pain are signs of health”


Your Period is not meant to be painful


Galega for Postpartum Milk Production