Rituals for Samhain // halloween

Samhain - ‘SAH WIN’, otherwise known as Hallows eve/Halloween…

Today the veil between this world (the living world) and the spirit world is said to be at its thinnest…

and thus it has become a tradition to connect with the spirits of our loved ones and ancestors to honour their lives, and the paths they paved before us.

We can also call on them for support and guidance at this time…

Samhain is about letting go and celebrating death, something our society is not so used to.

As we slow down and turn inwards, we can reflect and assess our lives and ask our ancestors for guidance.

What is it that we can let go of? Physically and emotionally?

What are the parts of ourselves that we want to let go of? Known as the death of the old self.

Can we explore our shadow self, the parts we do not like so much, and integrate them? ‘What you do not own, owns you’

In order to call in and manifest for the next year, when we emerge in spring, we need to make space and clear the old.

Can we integrate more Ritual and mindfulness into our lives?

How can we grow and move forward?

Can we dedicate this time to healing?

Join the Art of Healing Protocol



  • Pen & Paper

  • Fire (candle, fire pit, fireplace)

  • Create an alter with candles and treasures from the forest (pine cone, autumnal leaf, acorn, plant seeds, flower skeletons) and honour your ancestors.

Call on your good ancestors and speak your truth. 

Ask for their guidance, to send signs & support you in this time of transition, from light into the dark. 

Ask for what you need.

What can you let go of?

Write it down and burn it into the ether.





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